Customer Testimonial

Working with ViridiCO2 Ltd

SciMed Ltd have been supplying ViridiCO2 with scientific equipment, in particular, Parr pressure vessels, since ViridiCO2’s incorporation. In that time, we have provided consultation on suitable pressure vessel functionality and modification to support ViridiCO2’s research as they grow and expand into new areas. By providing technical aftersales support and fast delivery of parts, we have also helped them to continue working when things go wrong or parts break.

Take a look at our range of Lab Scale Pressure Vessels.

About Viridico2

ViridiCO2™ delivers innovative, disruptive technology, capable of addressing the lack of mitigative Carbon Capture Utilisation (CCU) technology.  We do this by transforming carbon dioxide (CO2) into a variety of high-value chemical intermediates. ViridiCO2™ technology enables manufacturers to derive chemical products using CO2 whilst directly replacing traditional petrochemicals. This process reduces reliance on fossil-fuels, actively reduces CO2 emissions and helps to transition manufacturers towards a circular economy.

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