Customer Testimonial

Working with William Blythe

SciMed have been supplying William Blythe with several analytical systems including X-ray Diffraction and Thermal Analysers. Working with customers across multiple disciplines like this allows us to offer a tailored approach therefore we gain an in-depth knowledge of the customers’ needs and expectations. We hope to continue to build the relationship and grow together.

View our range of X-Ray Diffraction products below. 

About Williamblythe

In industries as diverse as life sciences, performance coatings, polymers, electronics, catalysts, and renewable energy, William Blythe offers its clients specialised chemical solutions to assist them in overcoming the technological problems of the twenty-first century. Since its founding in 1845, William Blythe has led the way in the research and use of inorganic chemistry for challenging applications.

We employ cutting-edge manufacturing technology along with top-notch chemistry R&D and analytical capabilities, all supported by sizable resources from our parent business, Synthomer plc, and a network of outside organisations.

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