P18-CALVET 380

CALVET Calorimeter

Calvet calorimetry can be used for process understanding answering question such as:

  • How much heat is generated from the desired reaction?
  • How much gas is generated from the desired reaction?
  • How fast the desired reaction occurs?
  • Is cooling adequate?

 The Calvet sensor is a 3D sensor composed by many thermocouples in series surrounding the sample cell and the reference cell.

These instruments can be used with a large variety of cells to study batch or semi-batch experiments and can work in isothermal or in scanning mode in a temperature range of -196°C to 600°C. 

Due to the large variety of cells and the different mode available, Calvet Calorimeter can be used for the study of  thermal stability with pressure measurement and they can also be used as reaction calorimeters to assess the desired reaction.

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